Mujeres Con Vision Group

Mujeres Con Vision Group

A loan of $5,775 helps a member to buy shoes, ingredients for her recipes and merchandise for her convenience store.

Mujeres Con Vision Group

Mujeres Con Vision Group's story

Thirty-five year old Clara specialized in computer studies in high school and was awarded a diploma upon graduation. She is married to a physical education teacher and they have an eighteen-year-old son who also was awarded a high school diploma specializing in physical education. Twelve years ago, Clara began selling personal care products and everyday items. Four years ago, she started selling shoes. She sells online and from her home. Clara also sells lunches on weekdays by custom order. Her mother helps her with this business. In the near future, she has high hopes of opening a restaurant in her community in the department/state of Suchitepequez. She hopes to use a second Kiva loan to buy more shoes, inventory for her little store and ingredients for her recipes.

Seven women elected Clara to be the Secretary of their Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Mujeres Con Vision”. Some of these women sell second hand and new clothing while others have the same businesses as Clara. They meet monthly, make loan payments, and participate in educational training (health, family, women, business), part of the “Microcredit Plus” program. Recent topics have been about family planning, money management and the dangers of over-indebtedness. Another “plus” of the program includes bi-monthly visits by a traveling nurse who offers all kinds of exams, consults and family planning.

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for your generosity! You are much appreciated!

In this group: Gloria , Genesis Soraya, Lorena, Nanci Dinora, Amarilis Beatriz , Darlyn Mishel, Clara Mariana, Paola

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