A loan helped buy products in bulk and make improvements to the store.

Joaquín's story

Joaquin has a store where he sells snacks and other foods. He was a butcher for a very long time and had a stand at a local market but he had to move the business to his home when the market was shut down. Joaquin suffered a very unfortunate accident where he lost a leg and since then has not been able to continue working as a butcher. Despite this situation he has persisted and has opened a small store with the support of his family. He has three children, two of which are already independent. They have been great for their father and helped him set up two rooms in his home that he rents out for a complimentary source of income.

Joaquin is seeking the loan in order to continue to invest in his business. He will buy products in bulk and also make improvements to the store. This business keeps him motivated and with a high self esteem. His wife is a seamstress who also helps him at the store.

Mifex offers its clients microinsurance and access to business training and educational programs. For more information about microfinance, Ecuador, and our services, please visit www.mifex.org.

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